image of variety of veggies
JWP Food Service Department

The goal of the Janesville Waldorf Pemberton Food Services Department is to provide students with healthy food that tastes good. The menu is planned according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture's nutrition standards. The USDA’s Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act requires schools to: • Offer fruit and vegetables daily • Offer whole grain-rich items • Include the 5 vegetable subgroups weekly • Offer only fat-free or low-fat dairy items • On average, the planned lunch contains <10% saturated fat and 0 grams trans fat, 600-650 calories for grades K-8, and 750-850 calories for grades 9-12.

For questions or comments, contact 507-231-7720 or email

Meal Pricing

2023-2024 MEAL PRICES:


First Student Meal: FREE (due to State of MN grants) Second Full Meal: $5.00 Adult Full Meal: $5.00

A la Carte

1/2 pint milk: $0.80 Pint juice: $1.50 Student 2nd entree: $1.00


First Student Meal: FREE (due to State of MN grants) Student 2nd entree: $1.00 Adult Meal: $2.25

Healthy Classroom Treats

Does your child have a birthday coming up? Do you need to provide snacks for a classroom Party? Let the JWP Food Service Department help! click here to view info on Healthy Classroom and Birthday Snacks

JWP Public Schools are encouraging everyone to embrace the Wellness Policy by addressing the kinds of celebrations we have in the classroom. School celebrations and events are exciting and important for students and staff. Birthday parties and holiday celebrations provide a unique opportunity to help make healthy eating fun and for children to practice wise food choices. As a school, we are encouraging healthy celebration treats. When foods are offered at classroom parties, be sure that they meet the Wellness Policy’s nutrition standards.

The standards are: • Not more than 30% of the total calories of the food item, excluding nuts or seeds, is from fat. • Not more than 10% of the total calories of the food item, excluding reduced-fat cheeses, eggs, and nut butters, is from saturated fat. • Not more than 35% of the total weight of the food item, excluding fruits or vegetables, is composed of sugar.

On your child’s birthday, we will celebrate them in nonfood ways, like having them wear a special hat, sash, or letting them lead class activities, playing games and/or having a 15 minute dance party. Please help us promote a healthy school environment and healthy kids!

Online Payment Instructions

Payments into your child’s account can be made via cash or check at the JWP office or online by credit/debit card or checking account. Include the student’s name with payment if you are writing out a check or paying with cash.

Log into the Parent Portal: 1. Click on “Food Service” on the left side of the screen 2. On the Food Service page click the blue “Pay” button 3. Enter in the amount of money you would like applied to the student's lunch account and click the blue “Add to Cart” button 4. On the right side of the screen, choose “My Cart” 5. If needed, choose “Add Payment Method” and enter in your payment information. Click the blue “Save” button 6. If you have a payment method saved already, click on the blue “Submit Payment” button toward the bottom of the screen. 7. Click YES to Confirm your payment. The last screen will give you payment confirmation and give an option to print off a receipt.